Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011

Japan is FIFA World Cup Champion!!

I knew it, I knew it >////<"
I knew it after they kicked Germany aut!!

(Germany is always losing against the world champions!) xD


I'm sooo happy now ♥ Thanks (Football)God!

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

FanArt 39



YoungBae & DaeSung - BIGBANG

Arrivals Vol. 10


- Jasmine Single "ONE" CD
- Palmy Album "Beautiful Ride" CD

- Dazed&Confused Magazine "DaeSung"-Cover

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011

Wallpaper 2

2nd Anniversary

free to use ;)

HyunA, GaYoon, SoHyun, JiHyun, JiYoon - 4Minute